Disc Golf Course
Veteran's Memorial Disc Golf Course is located at Lakeview Park north of Janesville near Lake Elysian! This course was funded by American Legion Post 281 Janesville and American Legion Post 311 Elysian. This course offers 18 holes, Par 54 and is uniquely designed to take you through the whole park. Enjoy the views of Lake Elysian as well as large deer pens that are stocked with deer. This park is family-friendly with volleyball courts, baseball fields and multiple play structures. In the warmers months there are restrooms available for use.
Maps for the course are located on each score card located at the #1 tee plus a large map of the course is on display on the main bulletin board at Lakeview Park and the bulletin board at the driving range located on Nelson Street.
Practice your disc golf skills at the Veteran's Memorial Disc Golf Driving Range located on Nelson Street!
We invite you to visit Lakeview Park Veteran's Memorial Disc Golf Course and the Veteran's Memorial Disc Golf Driving Range !
Click on the link for further information: Lakeview Park Disc Golf Course