Sanitary Sewer Chapter 51

Building Sewers and Connections

       51.039    Ground water connections prohibited

       51.040    Inspection required

       51.041    Construction requirements; license required

This Certification Form shall be completed by the Seller prior to the transfer of ownership. The City of Janesville will do the initial inspection at no charge, if deemed necessary a further inspection by a licensed plumber or industry professional will need to be completed as well. The costs of additional inspection will be the seller’s responsibility. Please fill this form out and provide it to City Hall to schedule the inspection. If an inspection was done less than 5 years ago and was found to be in compliance a new inspection is not required, but you will need to provide proof of inspection (Certificate of Compliance) if not on file at City Hall.

CODE SECTION Chapter 51: Sanitary Sewer: Section §51.039 Ground Water Connections Prohibited, of the City Code of the City of Janesville, Minnesota is amended to read as follows: GROUND WATER CONNECTIONS PROHIBITED (A) No person(s) shall make connection of roof downspouts, foundation drains, areaway drains, sump pump drains, drain tile, or other sources of surface runoff or ground water to a building sewer or indirectly to the wastewater disposal system. (2002 Code § 51.34) (Ord. 225, passed 3-24-1992) Penalty, see § 10.990) (Ord. 2023- G, passed 03-27-23) (B) Any person desiring to transfer ownership of property within the City by deed, contract for deed, or in any other manner shall, prior to making the transfer of ownership, have an inspection conducted of the property to determine if the property is in violation of this chapter by having a connection of roof downspouts, foundation drains, areaway drains, sump pump drains, drain tile, or other sources of surface runoff or ground water to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connection directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer. Any person desiring to transfer ownership shall have an inspection conducted by use of dye, smoke, or camera, or other method acceptable to the City, in the City’s sole discretion, to establish that the property is not in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 2023-G, passed 03-27-23)

Click here to print certification form.


Joseph Ziemke
Public Works Director
(507) 234-5110