Service Line Materials Inventory

The City of Janesville has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at  you may also contact city hall at 507-234-5112. To complete the service line inventory our system used existing data from inspection data collected during meter replacements. As of 10/25/24 our inventory contains 28 lead, 10 galvanized requiring replacement, 0 unknown material, and 904 non-lead service lines.

This program is taking place throughout the entire State of Minnesota.  For additional information on the Lead Service Line Replacement Program, please visit:  

Property owners in Janesville own these service lines from the main to the water meter.  If you have received a letter that states you are served by either a lead or galvanized line and you wish to have your water tested, contact us at 507-234-5112 or  The cost of the test kit is $31.00 and you will need to have a 6 hour period without any water running in the residence for an accurate test.