Frequently Asked Questions
When are utility bills due?
All utility bills go out to the customers around the 15th of each month and are due on the 5th of the next month.
Are meters actually read every month?
Yes. Meters are read the last week of every month and the readings are printed on your bill.
Does Janesville Municipal Utilities offer rebates?
Yes. Rebates are available for energy efficient light bulbs, appliances, air conditioning units and many more items. To inquire, print them out from the home page of the city website. They are located in the bottom right hand corner.
Where do I pay my utility bill?
You may mail your bill to the Janesville Municipal Utilities, P.O. Box O, Janesville, MN 56048 or drop it off at City Hall, 101 N. Mott Street, during business hours, or drop in it in the Drop Box located on the South side of City Hall.
You may also pay your bill on-line through Payment Service Network. If you choose to pay on-line you will need to have your account number available at time of registration. IF YOU PAY ON-LINE, BILLS MUST BE PAID BY 7PM ON THE DAY THEY ARE DUE OR THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE.
Where do I pick up a Building Permit Application?
Building permit applications are available at City Hall. Click here for more information.
How long does it take to receive a Building Permit?
Once you return your building permit application to City Hall it will be processed immediately, unless the permit is priced by valuation of the project. City Staff will call you when it is ready for pickup. If you are building a new home it will take 10 to 15 days. All fees must be paid before you may begin your project.
Does Janesville have a compost site for brush?
Yes. There is a compost site located north on Main Street past the golf course on the left hand side. This compost site is for brush material only and for the residents of the City of Janesville. Please respect the site or it will be closed due to non-prohibited dumping.
Am I required to register my cat/dog with the City?
Yes. City Code §90.070 states "the City Council may from time to time by resolution designate impoundment fees and boarding rates to reflect the costs of those items. The owner of the cat or dog shall further be required to reimburse the city for any and all expenses incurred while the dog or cat is in impoundment." Fees are payable to the City of Janesville.
Cat and dog lifetime license fees: $5.00 Dog and cat impounding fees: $45.00 Repeat Impoundment: $125.00
I have a nuisance complaint. Who do I report it to?
All nuisance complaints are considered private information. Click on "Report an issue" on the homepage of the website.
Who can I talk to about my proposed property taxes?
Assessment Hearing - Waseca County
I have a utility rebate to hand in, how will you process it?
Utility rebate forms are available on our website. Rebates that are under the $400 dollar amount will be processed as a credit on your utility account. If the amount is over $400, you will receive a check in the mail in the few weeks to follow. If you have any questions, please see Sara at City Hall.
Energy Assistance Programs
Minnesota Valley Action Council has a new online system to help residents fill out an application online for energy assistance. Click here to find out more information.
What is the water hardness in Janesville?
Water hardness is 300 - 350 ppm or 17.5 - 20.5 gpg.