Board Applications


Each year the City of Janesville has positions coming up for appointment or reappointment on Commissions or Committees. The Janesville City Council has decided to list all Commission or Committee positions.  Any person interested in being on one of the following Commissions or Committees can download the application from the city website or stop in at City Hall, the application needs to be returned no later than Wednesday December 4, 2024. The available Commission or Committee positions are as follows:

Economic Development Authority
. There is one position on the Economic Development Authority coming up for appointment or reappointment.  The term of office is six years beginning January 1, 2025.  

Golf Advisory Board. There are two positions on the Golf Advisory Board coming up for appointment or reappointment.  The term of both offices is two years beginning January 1, 2025.

Public Utilities Commission.  There is one position on the Public Utilities Commission coming up for appointment or reappointment. The term of office is three years beginning January 1, 2025.

Park Board.  There is one position on the Park Board coming up for appointment or reappointment.  The term of office is four years beginning January 1, 2025.

Planning Commission.  There is one position on the Planning and Zoning Commission coming up for appointment or reappointment.  The term of office is four years beginning January 1, 2025.

Housing and Redevelopment Authority (Park Road Plaza).  There are two positions on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority coming up for appointment or reappointment.  The term of office is five years beginning January 1, 2025.

Most of the Commissions or Committees meet monthly.

That a per diem payment of $25.00 is hereby established.  The per diem payment shall be the same for one half day or full day meetings.  The per diem payment shall be one payment per calendar day.

The per diem payment shall be paid for each meeting, other than regularly scheduled meetings of the City Council, attended by any member of the Janesville City Council or any member of any Board or Commission of the City of Janesville, including the Whispering Creek Board of Directors, Economic Development Authority, Planning Commission as well as all other Boards or Commissions created by the City Council hereafter.

The City Staff shall develop forms and methods for making application for payment of such per diem payments.  Such payments shall be approved monthly by the City Council for all requests for payments submitted as of the 1st of each month.  Per diems are paid only upon completion of said form.

Any questions should be directed to the Janesville City Hall Offices - (507) 234-5110.